This is Ilyaas!

Assalaam 'Alaikum!
This is Ilyaas, my first born!
This is him when we were being discharged from the hospital! ( alomst 11 months ago!)He was delivered through an emergency caesarian coz of my sudden high blood pressure and anyway, we expected a c- section coz he was breech!
but holding him in my arms made me forget everything!
It made me realise I am not a little girl anymore, I am a mother, entrusted with a life, an opportunity to mould an individual, give the world another Ahmed Deedat, or another Bush, I will be's upto me...
Time I grew up... Subhanallah!
Ilyaas brought Jannah to my feet! Allahu Akbar! Alhamdu lillah!
Ya Rabb! Pls enable me to fulfill my responsibility with goodness and perfection! Ameen!
Watch out for more of his pix...
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