Assalaam ‘Alaikum!
I know I’ve been away for a long time but it isn’t easy being pregnant and taking care of a 1 yr old at the same time…yes Ilyaas turned a year old on Feb 12…sometimes, its hard to believe, it has been a year since those deadly hospital visits, the operation room, and all those horrible memories…but Ilyaas is also a part of those memories and reminding myself that I had him thru those hard times makes it all bearable…This time, there haven’t been any major complications, alhamdulillah the fetal presentation isn’t breech either…that’s a relief…it’s cephalic…
A slight complication is that the ultrasound shows my due date to be 12March whereas my due date as per calculation is march 30…this is all too confusing, and I hope everything turns out to be fine, insha ALLAH…I hope its not another C- Section…
Amidst all this, we’re moving !!!
Currently, we reside in a 3 br apartment in the heart of the city…we’re moving to a little villa in another peaceful place…mostly due to lack of enough space…the rooms in our present home aren’t spacious and the kitchen is too small…Our new home has 2 bedrooms comparatively larger, a large hall, dining, a garage for 2 cars…and a little front yard…with trees lined at the edges…sorry I’m not that good at describing..we’ll be having a mago tree, and some others as well…insha ALLAH…good for the kids to play around…it’s fully furnished…the fridge is even stocked up with eatables!!!and I love my bathroom…(lol)…I ‘ll post pix soon…both old and new homes…We’re officially moving there by the first of April..that’s around my Due date…I just hope we can manage it all…
We’re both looking forward to moving to our new home and a bit sad about leaving the home we’ve been living in for about 10 years…it seems like only yesterday..reminds me how when we leave this world, it’ll be as if we lived here for not more than a day or two..
These days, it’s the Grand Prix season around Bahrain…I’m not into it, I haven’t been to the Bahrain International Circuit and I don’t even know the names of the teams…basically, its just not my thing…
That’s all for now…More later…Please remember me in your Dua’s…That’s an earnest request…Fi Amaan ALLAH.